

Mac OS Xの次期バージョン、Snow Leopardが今年の9月前にはリリースされそうだとの情報。

Apple continues to release successive test builds of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard to developers, while its iPhone OS engineering team is hard at work on the next major revision of Mac OS X's mobile cousin. The latest test build―10A354―reveals a couple new features that are likely to make an appearance in Snow Leopard. It also marks the end of API changes, according to Apple, meaning that most of the remaining work involves bug fixes and optimizations.

First on the list of new features, the version of Boot Camp supplied with Snow Leopard will include HFS+ drivers for Windows. These drivers will allow direct read and write access to Mac-formatted drives when booted into Windows. The added convenience should eliminate the need to rely on FAT-formatted drives or third-party utilities like MacDrive for moving files between operating systems.

Snow Leopardと共に供給されるBoot Camp(Macのハードに直接Windowsをインストールできる仕組み)の新しいバージョンは、Windows用のHFS+ドライバを含む。
HFS+とは、Mac OS Xで標準として採用されているハードディスクのフォーマット。通常WindowsはFAT/FAT32/NTFSといったフォーマットしか読むことができないので、Boot CampによってMac OS XとWindowsのデュアルブート環境にしている場合、Windows側からMac OS Xの領域に保存されているデータにアクセスする手段が無かった。これがHFS+ドライバの供給により可能になる。

Also, Snow Leopard is adding a feature that first appeared on the iPhone to the Mac: Chinese handwriting recognition. While Apple includes the handwriting technology developed for the Newton―renamed Inkwell―in Mac OS X, it only works when a graphics tablet is connected. The new Chinese handwriting recognition will work from most newer MacBooks' iPhone-like multitouch trackpad. This technology works more akin to Palm's Graffiti input than Inkwell, so it seems like a good fit for a trackpad.


Finally, the latest build of Snow Leopard includes a change in System Profiler that hints that built-in 3G networking might be coming to new or revised Macs sooner rather than later. A section for "WWAN"―wireless wide-area networking―is now included under the "Network" heading. Previously, WWAN would show up under USB or Express Card, depending on what type of 3G modem was being used. The change is a pretty good indicator that 3G networking, as well as 4G networking based on WiMax or LTE, will be coming to future Mac models.


ちなみにLTE(Long Term Evolution)とは、現行の3Gによる携帯電話ネットワークと、次世代の4Gをつなぐと言われている技術のこと。3.5Gとか3.9Gとも呼ばれる。ドコモではSuper 3Gと呼ばれている。3Gと同じ周波数帯を使用しているが、4Gと共通の技術も多く使われており、4Gへの移行も楽に行えると期待されている技術。通信速度は現在のモバイル通信で最速のHSDPAの数倍になる予定。


Developers were told that some changes to the APIs for accessing the multicore optimizations of Grand Central in the latest build of Snow Leopard―designed to make implementing Grand Central support easier for developers―will be the last. "[N]o further API changes are planned for Snow Leopard," according to the release notes that accompanied the build. This means that developers can move forward on development plans for Snow Leopard without worrying that they are aiming at a moving target. It also means that Apple is likely done adding features to the OS, and will spend the rest of the development cycle concentrating on eliminating bugs and optimizing the code behind the APIs.

As the development cycle begins to wind down, Apple has also added a new section on its developer forums for discussing Snow Leopard-related issues. This allows registered ADC Select and Premiere developers a sanctioned way to talk to each other and Apple about Snow Leopard, which is covered by an NDA during the pre-release phase. Of course, these discussions require an ADC login, so we can't lurk around for any inside info, but it should help developers work around any issues before Snow Leopard ships, meaning better software for us mere users.

Apple is expected to show off Snow Leopard during its Worldwide Developers Conference less than a month away. The final version of Snow Leopard is slated to be released this summer.

iPhone OS 3.0も着々と開発が進んでいるので、もうすぐAppleが怒濤の新製品リリースに走り出しそうな予感です。

