Open Left Facebook again, keeping account Facebook is away games for me. Since honest opinions are taken as ideology, they do not develop into discussions and onl... 2023.03.25 Open
Open Purpose If you want to use computers for wealth, honor, and prestige, stop trying to learn now and let AIs and slaves do it. But... 2023.03.25 Open
Open Because Beloved Just want to tell you about what is love, in certain view.Once upon a time, a man told his wife that he loves her. The w... 2022.11.30 Open
Open Nothing to lose The life path.You might feel it is dedicated and stable like a stone.And in some other points of view, it's a spider web... 2022.11.16 Open
Open Fulfillment It was the day we had a drastic change of the life flow yesterday. I have no idea for the reason but I should not dig in... 2022.08.10 Open
Open Don’t wait, just go Moving forward - assess the old & new technologies.Maybe it's time to create one or several businesses and make them cut... 2022.08.05 Open
Open ok reset-all Since I have started up Q3 and qube cafe, my focus has gradually shifted to the future. It's time to reset and bring my ... 2022.08.05 OpenRecord
Open The Illusion of Bipolar from a Single Perspective I just noticed that the bipolar is not a bipolar. When we pick up the positive and negative peaks of a wave (ie. sine wa... 2021.12.15 Open
Open What makes me keep standing against all odds I always describe my life with music. It was an era of Slash Metal and Hardcore Punk, yes I definitely remember the year... 2021.04.12 Open
Open Beyond the Interaction In Octover 2019, I have started my own company (LLC) called Q3 (Qu-bic, as Q cubed) after 2-3 years of my private strugl... 2021.03.20 Open
Open Feeling Strangeness You say you are not afraid, but you never tell me what you are not afraid of.You say you don't accept any objection but ... 2021.03.11 Open
Open Believe yourself I don't know who I'm talking to through this blog. Existing friends? family? Or is someone I meet in the future? I reall... 2020.12.18 Open
Open Starting up is just a beggining step The first condition necessary to recognize corruption is to have a place where it can be observed from a perspective tha... 2020.12.16 Open
Open Career to open the door and ability to open the way I try myself. I put everything I learned to my next challenge.It's time to change. It's time that I had been waiting for... 2020.09.22 Open
Open Words Language is the culture. It does not matter whether you understand the meaning of the words you use. The words immediate... 2020.06.08 Open
Open Memo: flow status Altered Consciousness StatusFeeling ConnectionConnection Availability...(A)Connection Bandwidth ...(B)Connection Destina... 2020.06.04 Open
Open The end of money rights Much more people in the world already be aware, because I am even aware. However, here in Japan, the ability to match fa... 2020.04.20 Open
Open Declaration No one responds to these hints. Everything on this blog is a puzzle part.Those who have stopped trying to understand not... 2019.12.06 Open
Open Historical Operation Systems I found OS installer disks from my warehouse and installed them to vmware.当時のWindows NTは98, MIPS, Alpha, PPCでも動作した 2019.11.05 Open
Open Vision 1017 Dedicated to change the world but it's important to always recognize the difference between invention and revolution.Whi... 2019.10.17 Open
Open Life is Simple It doesn't matter how much time it will take. Do what you want.The slow water drops on a huge rock make a hole someday. ... 2019.09.11 Open
Open Threat of development What is the definition of Developed Country?Countries with advanced and developed economies according to a report by the... 2019.06.28 Open
Open multiverse My cat, Nyachan just came to me, and bothered my computer work with his cute voice. I asked back to him, "What is your o... 2019.06.27 Open
Open Recognition Switch you and I.Whatever I feel is exactly how you feel."Understanding" "Knowing" are the keywords. You want somebody w... 2019.06.07 Open